miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Hello class!

This time I will talk about my best holidays with my family. The last summer I went travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina with my parents, sisters and grandparents.  I stayed here one week in a Hotel next to obelisk. This hotel was very beautiful, comfortable and the food was amazing. 

The bedrooms were very big, clean and pretty. With my two sisters stayed here in a bedroom and we share very good moments.

With my family every day went to different places of the city, for example “Square of Mayo”, “The pink house”, zoo, “Japanese Garden”, “Obelisk” and  the most important Cathedral.

This city is very artistic and cultural, you can go to different shows of theatre or music. With my family I went to a spectacular musical in a theatre!

Other activity you can do it is learn to dance “Tango”, this is a typical dance of Argentina. With my family I went to an amazing place for to learn the basic of this typical dance. Later enjoyed of the a spectacular dinner and musical show in the same place!

These holidays have been the best until now because I enjoyed very much my family and liked it this city! 

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Hello everyone!

In this opportunity, I will talk about a video related with my career.  This video shows two diseases: “Anorexia and Bulimia”.  These diseases are eating disorders that affect the patient’s life. Anorexia and Bulimia are more frequent in women because the stereotype about them is not correct, beautiful is symbol of thinness. These diseases involve the family and friends of the patients. The symptoms are: weight loss, excessive preoccupation with image and weight, depression, diets, laxative intakes. In this diseases is more important the family, friends and doctors because the patients are very vulnerable and need a lot of support. These diseases are very serious and can lead to death.
he psychologists are very important for the treatment because the patients need much help in various aspects especially the emotional.  They feel very alone, anybody understood your situation and thoughts.  The psychologist seeks to help the patient; the conversation is the principal resource for help these persons.

Finally, I think the family, friends and different specialist are more important for the treatment of these diseases.   


miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Hi everyone! 

Today will talk about France. Because it is a country I would love to visit in the future.
In my opinion this country has the most beautiful and magical city in the world, that is Paris “the city of lights”. I`d love to visit Paris because of their culture, their food, their art, their places and their magic. I know just a few things about this city and all I know is through pictures.

First, I like would to visit this city to live and study there some day. I would live in Paris because I want to learn about this culture, meals and lifestyle and I would like to meet different people. I would study in Paris because is a good place for learn different opinions and topics about my career. For me Paris has a special magic.

Really one of my dreams is to travel to Europe specifically to France. I hope to fulfill my dream soon.