miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I will talk about the work I would like to have in the future.

I decided to study psychology because since I was a little child I liked help the people in different aspects of their lives.

The job that I would like have in the future is attend to different persons with different problems. I would like to help in all aspects of their lives.

I would like working in a indoors specifically in a office very comfortable for people who I will attend. I also would like teach in the university about different topics and areas.

I would like to travel a different places of world for learn perspectives about my profession and meet different people.

In approximately two years, in the year 2016, I will finish my career. I hope immediately continue to study more about my profession. I want do my doctorate in the foreign.

Also I want to do social works in different places because I would like to help in various aspects of life of people.

The Psychology career has different areas and specializations. You can do many things and help of different ways.

If you are a psychologist you can many jobs in different places and areas.

See you soon


miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I will talk about my favorite’s books at the moment.  

Since I was a little child I’ve loved reading. In the early years of my life I enjoyed different and amazing books about fantasy, magic and adventures stories.  I had many languages teachers at school and their recommend me different and interesting books about many topics.

I personally do not have a favorite author because I like to read about different topics and visions. My favorite’s topics are the real stories and romantic novels. I read books of American and Latin American authors, for example Nicholas Sparks and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

At the moment I have two favorites books, each one of them is “La lección de August” of Raquel Jaramillo Palacios, this story is very amazing and touching.  The second book is “El niño con el pajama a rayas” of John Boyne, I read this book a few years ago but it still surprises me.

I believe the reading is very important because is useful in all aspects of life.

The reading is amazing because you can meet different worlds and imagine what are you reading.

Enjoyed the reading and read different books because they can learn many things.
