jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Hello everyone!

In this opportunity, I will talk about my blogging experience this semester In English III! Really, I never used the blog because in not relevant for me and not have much time. But this experience in this class has been really good and funny because I wrote about the topics very interesting and important for me.

Today, I think the blog is a very good form to learn grammatical English and is a good form to known your classmate and their interests. Is a good implement to speak and write much better this idiom and is a form for you knowing because writing about your interests. In this class I write about the internet and your use, my family, my friends and my passion, sing!

Negatively, the blog is an implement to practice writing in a particular idiom but not practice to speak in this idiom. In my opinion the blog is not a complete form to learn English. Yes, is it a way to learn but not the best! I that thought creating a blog was difficult but is really easy! Personally, I learned whit this implement, helped me in grammatical English and write a little more fluently. 

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Hello everyone! 

In this opportunity, I will talk about me and my best friends! Really is very difficult for me write about one best friend because I have more than one. They are so different but each is special to me.

At the school I had very good friends who still are. My friends of school are four: Eva, Ana, Valentina and Valery. I know them since I was ten years old. We have many things in common for example Valentina sings and me too, in different opportunities we sing together in presentations and competitions, with Eva I have many things in common we both love go to shopping, the makeup and different series.

The last year I met two persons very different but very similar to me. Today these persons are my best friends your names are Lucia and Fernanda. They have a big support in different moments in the University, for example with Fernanda, I have one thing very important in common, the both of us live far away from our families.

With my best friends I go to the cinema, shopping, cafes and different bars in the night. They are very important for me in different and special moments in my life; I love so much each one of them.

In my opinion the friendship is very important for all persons because friends are a supportive.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Hi Bloggers! 

In this opportunity, I will talk about me and the things that I would like to learn! Really, I like to learn many things, but especially I love art in particular paint and music. 

I really love art, especially the paint and draw. In the school I practiced every week, because I was in one class to art in the afternoon. I painted many different things as animals, humans and landscapes, but I really love paint flowers and butterflies of different forms and colors. In my opinion the paint is very important to relax and express many emotions, but should devote time and concentration.  

Other thing that really love is the music, in particular sing! I sing since eight years old.  In the school I practiced every week. My teacher was very good, because I taught technique to  believing in me and in my talent. I practiced many songs of different idioms and styles, in group or single. I have participated in different competitions in my life. In think, this experience is the best because the music and the audience fill the soul.

One thing that I would like to learn well would be to play the guitar, because it is something that I abandoned years ago and I wish I could sing and play the guitar.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Hello everyone!
In this opportunity, I will talk about of my favorite food and my favorite place to eat out.
Honestly, I liked two places and two types of food: Italian food, especially pastas and Japanese food, especially sushi.
My favorite place for eat Italian food is the “Piccola Italia”, this place is amazing! There are a variety of pastas. My favorite food in this place is the lasagna, is really delicious. The “Piccola Italia” is localized in many places of Santiago, Chile. This place is very famous because food is really incredible. The attention is very good and is not expensive, the prices are very reasonable.
My second favorite place to eat out is “Sushi Roll”, this is a restaurant to Japanese food, specially of sushi. This place is localized in la Florida in Talca, Chile.” Sushi roll” is the most famous restaurant of sushi in this city, because the food is amazing! The attention is very good and this place is very clean. Is not expensive, the prices are very reasonable. My favorite food in this place is the sashimi and ebi maki, both are incredible!
I love food and eat and I love go to different restaurants!

Hello everyone!
In this opportunity, I will talk about of my favorite food and my favorite place to eat out.
Honestly, I liked two places and two types of food: Italian food, especially pastas and Japanese food, especially sushi.
My favorite place for eat Italian food is the “Piccola Italia”, this place is amazing! There are a variety of pastas. My favorite food in this place is the lasagna, is really delicious. The “Piccola Italia” is localized in many places of Santiago, Chile. This place is very famous because food is really incredible. The attention is very good and is not expensive, the prices are very reasonable.
My second favorite place to eat out is “Sushi Roll”, this is a restaurant to Japanese food, specially of sushi. This place is localized in la Florida in Talca, Chile.” Sushi roll” is the most famous restaurant of sushi in this city, because the food is amazing! The attention is very good and this place is very clean. Is not expensive, the prices are very reasonable. My favorite food in this place is the sashimi and ebi maki, both are incredible!
I love food and eat and I love go to different restaurants!

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about my presentation in the last English class. The topic I choose was the” Transpersonal Psychology” because is a method very complete and interesting for the Psychology and for my formation as psychologist.

I structured my presentation in a way that allowed me to show you the definition, objective, etymology,what´s about?, therapies and influences of this area of psychology  in 3:30 minutes. I also allowed for a short presentation for me and conclusion of the topic chosen. I think as organized my presentation of a very good, completely and simple form because I talked all areas.

The most important and interesting about my topic is your objective because study and research the interaction between psyche and our identity sense, to heal possible psychological illness that may limit us in a conscious or unconscious way. Other interesting point for this topic is the different and complete form of therapies as integral yoga, holistic therapy, grupal therapies, regression therapy, etc.

In my opinion the transpersonal psychology is a complete school because it´s not just the mixture of psychology postulates but it uses external methods like spiritual and religious currents contributing to an understanding of the conscience.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about myself, specifically about my career!

I finished at school two years ago in the Montessori school in Talca, Chile.  This period was very important and difficult for me because I had the most important decision in my life and I don't know which make…

I have a little time in this career but I liked, in my first year I’m not sure it was want I wanted. Today, I’m more confident but not 100%.

I decided study this career in this University after from a long time of decisions and uncertainty…I chosen Psychology because is one form to help people in many aspects of our lives, in addition it include all aspects necessaries in my life in the future.

I think psychologists are a great contribution to society because are “the doctors of mind” in addition helping the different people all over the world in many aspects of our lives. I feel a psychologists needs to help people: patience, empathy, vocation, happiness and the feel like of help a society.

I think one of my favorite subjects in this period is “Psychology” because include many aspects for understand a little my career. 

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Hello bloggers!

Today I will talk about of my favorite song at the moment. Is very difficult to choose one song because each represents a special moment.I choose that song because symbolize a special moment and person in my life.

The name of my favorite song is “Estoy enamorada” by Thalia. I heard this song by first time three years ago in my house because I like Thalia and I had bought a cd about this. 

In my senior year of school I sung this song with my teacher by music in the competition of the anniversary by my school. I won this competition!

When I sung this song I felt very excited because I love sing. The emotions I felt in this moment were unexplained.

I dedicated this song to my boyfriend in two opportunities that is why is very important for me because symbolizes everything I feel by him.

The music is very important in my life because I love sing and music. In addition the music is the best company in the different moment of our lives. 


Hello bloggers!

Today I will talk about of my favorite song at the moment. Is very difficult to choose one song because each represents a special moment.

I choose that song because symbolize a special moment and person in my life.

The name of my favorite song is “Estoy enamorada” by Thalia. I heard this song by first time three years ago in my house because I like Thalia and I had bought a cd about this. 

In my senior year of school I sung this song with my teacher by music in the competition of the anniversary by my school. I won this competition!

When I sung this song I felt very excited because I love sing. The emotions I felt in this moment were unexplained.
I dedicated this song to my boyfriend in two opportunities that is why is very important for me because symbolizes everything I feel by him.

The music is very important in my life because I love sing and music. In addition the music is the best company in the different moment of our lives. 

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Hello everyone!

Today I write about of the special picture for me and my family because It symbolized a beautiful moment for my grandparents, “50th Wedding Anniversary “. The names of my grandparents are Nemo and Karime and I love them.  

This picture shows all my family cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.  In the party to celebrate that special, beautiful and unique moment for my grandparents lives.  

In this celebration I sing the important song for them in the special part of the night, this part was very emotional for me and my family.

This photo was taken by a photographer last year on 21 April , the day we celebrated this party for my grandparents.

I love this picture because it represented the happiness I felt in this moment and the union of my family. This day is unforgettable, my grandparents renovated and expressed their real love in front of many people in the celebration filled with special and emotional moments.

The pictures are the best way to keep different moments, the best way to remember important days in your life.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Hello everyone!

Today I write about an ambition I have in the future.  Personally, I have one ambition in my life maybe this is a dream, but everything is possible. This ambition is sing in the important countries and places in the big scenario with very much people singing my songs.  

The music is very important for me and the other people, this is my inspiration because it helps many people in many aspects and the music is the best company in every moment of your life.

I would like to achieve my ambition because I love sing and music and I can help other people with my music because I could give concerts to charity in the different parts of the world.

If I fulfilled my ambition I would enjoy this experience and I could can help very many people with my music and my songs, this dream is very important for me because I would achieve other ambition in my life, which is to help
 people in many aspects and I know many peoples.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Hello everyone! Today I write about for the website i like. On this website you listen to different types and styles of music like pop, rock, soul, blues, etc.  You can connect to this page in many different ways from your computer and your telephone. For your telephone just you need to download free application.

Sincerely I discovered this website a few days ago and I love this, because it contains all the music from the different parts of the world in addition is totally free and your listen different songs and artists every day.  This page is special for the parties and reunions with your friends.

For my part I check this amazing website every week, day, hours and minutes because I love listening and singing the different types of music.

I absolutely recommend this page because the music is the best company in your life and I always found the perfect song for the perfect moment.

The link for visit this page is http://www.deezer.com/es/