lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Hello everyone! 

In this opportunity, I will talk about me and my best friends! Really is very difficult for me write about one best friend because I have more than one. They are so different but each is special to me.

At the school I had very good friends who still are. My friends of school are four: Eva, Ana, Valentina and Valery. I know them since I was ten years old. We have many things in common for example Valentina sings and me too, in different opportunities we sing together in presentations and competitions, with Eva I have many things in common we both love go to shopping, the makeup and different series.

The last year I met two persons very different but very similar to me. Today these persons are my best friends your names are Lucia and Fernanda. They have a big support in different moments in the University, for example with Fernanda, I have one thing very important in common, the both of us live far away from our families.

With my best friends I go to the cinema, shopping, cafes and different bars in the night. They are very important for me in different and special moments in my life; I love so much each one of them.

In my opinion the friendship is very important for all persons because friends are a supportive.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Caro :) i think that the supportive is so important for the people, in this place you and Lucia make me not alone :)

  2. Hi Caro! I think the friendship is very important too, in special when you're not from the city. Regards :)
