jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Hello everyone!

Today I write about an ambition I have in the future.  Personally, I have one ambition in my life maybe this is a dream, but everything is possible. This ambition is sing in the important countries and places in the big scenario with very much people singing my songs.  

The music is very important for me and the other people, this is my inspiration because it helps many people in many aspects and the music is the best company in every moment of your life.

I would like to achieve my ambition because I love sing and music and I can help other people with my music because I could give concerts to charity in the different parts of the world.

If I fulfilled my ambition I would enjoy this experience and I could can help very many people with my music and my songs, this dream is very important for me because I would achieve other ambition in my life, which is to help
 people in many aspects and I know many peoples.

6 comentarios:

  1. very interesting your ambition Caro! I hope listen to some day sing for we! bye!

  2. I love the music! It inspired me but I sing horrible. If you sing arround the world I buy your CD's jajaja Regards

  3. A singer!!! I would like listen your voice. Luck with this ambition :)

  4. Wow, this is possible Carolina if you have talent for sing, i would go to your gigs!

  5. Hi carolina: The music is very inspired for me too... And I hope that you can someday sing for us... jajaja good luck

  6. You sing very good! Isn't easy, but don't is impossible!
