jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Hello everyone! Today I write about for the website i like. On this website you listen to different types and styles of music like pop, rock, soul, blues, etc.  You can connect to this page in many different ways from your computer and your telephone. For your telephone just you need to download free application.

Sincerely I discovered this website a few days ago and I love this, because it contains all the music from the different parts of the world in addition is totally free and your listen different songs and artists every day.  This page is special for the parties and reunions with your friends.

For my part I check this amazing website every week, day, hours and minutes because I love listening and singing the different types of music.

I absolutely recommend this page because the music is the best company in your life and I always found the perfect song for the perfect moment.

The link for visit this page is http://www.deezer.com/es/

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Caro! Me too visit this website, is so useful and enjoyable. I like so much listen to music, and in this website i can listen a lot of music.

  2. I like your website, is very useful especially for the people that not know the different kinds of music, and I agree with you in that, the music is a best company, above all when you need a comfort.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I agree with you, without music life is just boring. I didn't know the website you talked about. Instead I use grooveshark.com because it has radio stations of diverse themes and it puts a list of various songs so you're able to decide what song listen or not.
    What's your favorite song? c:
