jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Hello bloggers!

Today I will talk about of my favorite song at the moment. Is very difficult to choose one song because each represents a special moment.I choose that song because symbolize a special moment and person in my life.

The name of my favorite song is “Estoy enamorada” by Thalia. I heard this song by first time three years ago in my house because I like Thalia and I had bought a cd about this. 

In my senior year of school I sung this song with my teacher by music in the competition of the anniversary by my school. I won this competition!

When I sung this song I felt very excited because I love sing. The emotions I felt in this moment were unexplained.

I dedicated this song to my boyfriend in two opportunities that is why is very important for me because symbolizes everything I feel by him.

The music is very important in my life because I love sing and music. In addition the music is the best company in the different moment of our lives. 


2 comentarios:

  1. hello Caro! I hope to hear you singing!!

  2. Thalia! She is a simbol of many infancies ! jajaja Have you heard this song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFcc9NZak-Y Is my favorite song of this artist.
