jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Hello everyone!

In this opportunity, I will talk about my blogging experience this semester In English III! Really, I never used the blog because in not relevant for me and not have much time. But this experience in this class has been really good and funny because I wrote about the topics very interesting and important for me.

Today, I think the blog is a very good form to learn grammatical English and is a good form to known your classmate and their interests. Is a good implement to speak and write much better this idiom and is a form for you knowing because writing about your interests. In this class I write about the internet and your use, my family, my friends and my passion, sing!

Negatively, the blog is an implement to practice writing in a particular idiom but not practice to speak in this idiom. In my opinion the blog is not a complete form to learn English. Yes, is it a way to learn but not the best! I that thought creating a blog was difficult but is really easy! Personally, I learned whit this implement, helped me in grammatical English and write a little more fluently. 

2 comentarios:

  1. I think like that you. Write on the blogs is a good method! :)

  2. Hi!
    I´m agreement with you, the blog is a good learning tool, but its incomplete because don’t help to understand when listen or speak in English.
