jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I´ll talk about my experience in English courses in the University. Honestly, I don´t like so much but I think English is very important in this era in different aspects of life. This semester I am in the last level of English courses. I started English in the University in my first year, this course was very easy and I didn't learn a something new, this course was very similar to English in the school.  In the course of English three I had to do a presentation about a topic of my career, this experience was a little difficult because it was an oral presentation.

In all English courses the activities have been very similar, this activities are reading comprehension, listening and talk about different topics. Other activity are the blogs, in this time I realized different posts about al lot of topics for example hobbies, family, countries, etc. I think this activity is very useful because is a very good form to practice the language.

In the University many aspects need to be better, the most important for me is listening because is difficult. The grammar is very important too in this language because exist past, present and future, each one of them need specifically rules.

In my life use English in some things but I think this language is very important for all aspects in the present and in the future, for example this year I needed to read some texts in English.

One of my goals is learn very well this language because is very useful in all aspects.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I'll talk about this year. Honestly, for this year did not have special expectations but has been good for me in different aspects, especially  with my family, friends and boyfriend.

Every year  I hope different things for my life like I have good moments with my family and boyfriend, have a good academic year, be happy and enjoy every day.

I started this year with my vacations. These very special vacations for me because I went to the south with my boyfriend, this journey was very good and romantic for us. In the academic aspect the first part of this year was been very good, but in the second part of this year I had to take some decisions about different subjects and areas of psychology. Actually, I am still confused about the area I want to go in the future, I hope to clarify very soon. I have also make different things with my friends like talk long hours and go to different places.

Every year I miss my family because they stay in Talca and I study in this city but the most weekend go to my city.

I think every year is special and different because the life because we are going to change over time. The expectations are very different but the important is fulfill your objectives.

I hope finish this year very good in the academics and personals aspects. I hope too to make different things with my family, boyfriend and friends.


miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I`ll talk about a video of Johanna Blakley, the topic of this video is “Social media and the end of gender”.  In this conference she speaks about of the different stereotypes in the social media.  The social media like magazines, radio, TV shows and games are directed to a specific group in the world, for example, men, kids, young people, girls and other.  The most media companies use very rigid segmentation methods to understand the audience, these methods use the old school demographics, for example the age demographics has had a major impact but not include the older people and yours interests.  The companies of social media direct their attention to what we do online because of this form they know the interests of people.

Other important point is the gender and the women revolution. Blakley say, “The women are really driven the social media revolution”. The women use more social networking technologies than men.  The women dominate the social space. The social media companies are going to hire a lot more women because there are important for yours business. The women are really driven the action online.

In my opinion all people are very important for the social media, yours opinions, interests and ages are very useful for the companies because of this form they can created best TV shows, magazines, games and programs of radio. The stereotypes are very bad for society because grouped in very simplistic categories. 

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I'll talk about Facebook, one of the most important socials networks at the moment. 
I started using this website about seven years ago because most of my friends started too and their recommended me. When I started using Facebook I used to spend a lot of time on it but now I use it casually. My relationship with this website is kind of passive.

I can use Facebook in different moments during the day thanks to my iPhone but I use it just to take a look of what everyone else posts, like my friends and family's activities. I'm not an active poster, I enjoy Facebook reading about my friends and I think it's a good way to catch up with them. I like to upload photos of special events or family reunions but I'm not a "selfie" girl if that's what you thought, I prefer not posting too much photos because I'm pretty reserved and I like my privacy.

Facebook has some awesome features like the chat or it's wall, now biography, concept but the two things I like the most is that Facebook allows me to find people that I haven't seen  in years and it is a great tool for communication, for example it's really helpful when you want to organize a workgroup of the university  but everything in this world has a dark side and Facebook's dark side is that when you create a profile it becomes like a window to your life and everyone can see through it.

Well that's all for today, see you soon!

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I will talk about topic very important for all people: Environment.

This topic is controversial and familiar for everything because every day listen different and interesting things about recycling, carbon footprint and organizations.

The people learn about different environmentally friendly practices in many contexts, for example, the kids learning in the school some practices of recycling and the young people learn of the Internet. Is very important that the adults teach to kids because the kids implemented these practices for the rest of their lives.

Really, use some practices in my life for example recycles plastic of the bottles, paper and sometimes use specials bags to go to the supermarket.

Honestly, I don’t not use mi legs and bike for two reasons one of them is for the long distances in Santiago, and especially I don’t use a bike because I am afraid and the drivers are very reckless. I would like to one day use a bike.

I have never sign up for eco-organizations because I don’t know any of them.

I have no much for reduce my footprint but I do some things for example I don’t use aerosols and care the water.

The different regions of Chile need more information about environment and recycling for example teach about the correct form for use the containers.  

Finally, I think we should take care the world, because is our home.