miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I'll talk about Facebook, one of the most important socials networks at the moment. 
I started using this website about seven years ago because most of my friends started too and their recommended me. When I started using Facebook I used to spend a lot of time on it but now I use it casually. My relationship with this website is kind of passive.

I can use Facebook in different moments during the day thanks to my iPhone but I use it just to take a look of what everyone else posts, like my friends and family's activities. I'm not an active poster, I enjoy Facebook reading about my friends and I think it's a good way to catch up with them. I like to upload photos of special events or family reunions but I'm not a "selfie" girl if that's what you thought, I prefer not posting too much photos because I'm pretty reserved and I like my privacy.

Facebook has some awesome features like the chat or it's wall, now biography, concept but the two things I like the most is that Facebook allows me to find people that I haven't seen  in years and it is a great tool for communication, for example it's really helpful when you want to organize a workgroup of the university  but everything in this world has a dark side and Facebook's dark side is that when you create a profile it becomes like a window to your life and everyone can see through it.

Well that's all for today, see you soon!

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