miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Hi class!

This time I will talk about topic very important for all people: Environment.

This topic is controversial and familiar for everything because every day listen different and interesting things about recycling, carbon footprint and organizations.

The people learn about different environmentally friendly practices in many contexts, for example, the kids learning in the school some practices of recycling and the young people learn of the Internet. Is very important that the adults teach to kids because the kids implemented these practices for the rest of their lives.

Really, use some practices in my life for example recycles plastic of the bottles, paper and sometimes use specials bags to go to the supermarket.

Honestly, I don’t not use mi legs and bike for two reasons one of them is for the long distances in Santiago, and especially I don’t use a bike because I am afraid and the drivers are very reckless. I would like to one day use a bike.

I have never sign up for eco-organizations because I don’t know any of them.

I have no much for reduce my footprint but I do some things for example I don’t use aerosols and care the water.

The different regions of Chile need more information about environment and recycling for example teach about the correct form for use the containers.  

Finally, I think we should take care the world, because is our home. 

1 comentario:

  1. I think that should be more ciclovia in the city, this you would help for that you use more bike.
